The NLG-SFBA is relaunching its quarterly journal, The Conspiracy. Each issue will offer a detailed discussion on a topic in relationship to current events and movement lawyering. It will also highlight the work of a particular NLG lawyer, a legal worker and an intern as well as an international struggle that local organizers are working with in solidarity. For our launch issue, the NLG-SFBA asks for submissions from NLG community members to reflect on the 2nd Amendment, gun control, and the right to resist and community self-defense. In light of last month’s shooting in San Jose and ongoing mass shootings across the country, we mourn the countless lives lost to gun violence. We know that state violence and interpersonal violence are deeply intertwined. We believe in the right of communities at home and liberation struggles abroad to resist by any means necessary when faced with ethnic cleansing, genocide, and state repression and brutality. We also have witnessed the entitlement of white men to kill far too well - from mass shootings to domestic violence and homophobic/transphobic attacks. We are interested in submissions focused on navigating the tension between gun control and the right to resist as protected by the 2nd Amendment. We invite NLG members to reflect on the following: how do we use the law to protect the rights of people to resist and to reduce white supremacist and sexist/homophobic/transphobic violence? We invite you to email directly with your submissions and we hope to include your voices in a special edition of the NLG-SFBA newsletter on the 2nd Amendment, Gun Control, and the Right to Resist. The deadline for submissions is July 31, 2021. Further readings and pieces for your consideration: