Training 1 - Uprooting White Supremacy Practice

 Registration is closed for this event
The NLG-SF Bay Area has contracted with Aorta to provide a two-part workshop series for NLG members on diagnosing and interrupting harmful and problematic dynamics within our Chapter and the organization as a whole. The intentions for these workshops will be to develop skills and a collective commitment that will aid us as an organization in addressing matters of this nature, on an ongoing basis. The goal is ultimately to have these dynamics reduced by addressing them in live time and by creating forms of meaningful individual and collective accountability and transformation when they occur.

Training 1 - Uprooting White Supremacy Practice 

In this two-hour Zoom workshop, participants will be grounded in an easy-to-use tool to better understand what white supremacy practice is, including its relationship to male supremacy and class exploitation/bias, share specific examples and the most common ways we see it arise in our organizations, and explore strategies, visions, and policies for how we can disrupt it. Participants will learn and deepen their analysis in practical ways, and leave with tools, stories, and visions for bringing liberation and racial justice into the center of your work.

February 9th, 2021 from  6:00 PM to  8:00 PM